Exam Dates
Applications will only be reviewed during the following Application Periods:
Application Period
March 24–April 25, 2025
Exam Period
May 14-16, 2025
Application Period
June 23–July 25, 2025
Exam Period
August 13-15, 2025
Application Period
September 22–October 24, 2025
Exam Period
November 12-14, 2025
Recertification Period
December 1, 2024 - February 28, 2025
Application Period
March 24–April 25, 2025
Exam Period
May 14-16, 2025
Application Period
June 23–July 25, 2025
Exam Period
August 13-15, 2025
Application Period
September 22–October 24, 2025
Exam Period
November 12-14, 2025
Recertification Period
December 1, 2024 - February 28, 2025
Patient Blood Management Specialist (PBMS) Certification
The American Society of ExtraCorporeal Technology (AmSECT) and the International Board of Blood Management (IBBM) are proud hosts of the Patient Blood Management Specialist exam. The certification is for advanced patient blood management involving inpatient perioperative and surgical practices. Typical candidates are blood banking managers/ professionals, hospital blood utilization committee, which include doctors, nurses, perfusionists, Jehovah Witness coordinators, and industry representatives.
Application Process
Please note: applications will only be reviewed during the Application Periods listed above
- The candidate must have experience with clinical application and education in blood management as described in the PBMS Job Description.
- The candidate must have knowledge of statistical analysis, laboratory, blood banking, and education techniques with preparation to perform leadership, coordinating, or educational roles for a patient blood management program involving inpatient perioperative and surgical practices. See the Job Analysis Chart for reference.
- Participation in outpatient services with an anemia clinic is beneficial.
Please reach out to ibbm@amsect.org if you have questions regarding the application process.
Application Requirements
In the online PBMS Certification Application, you will be required to provide:
- Personal and employer information: Update your AmSECT profile address to ensure delivery of your certificate. Replacement certificates cost $25.
- A non-refundable $200.00 exam fee.
- Proctor Application (Proctors must not be peers, relatives, or individuals you supervise. Please carefully review the criteria and guidelines on the Proctor Application Form).
Please reach out to ibbm@amsect.org if you have questions regarding the application process.
Approval and Pre-Exam Communication
Upon Application Review
Once an application has been reviewed, applicants will receive an email approving or denying their eligibility to take the exam. The email will contain important information about the exam. APPLICATIONS ARE ONLY REVIEWED DURING THE APPLICATION PERIOD.
One week before exam period opens
Proctors will receive an email with detailed exam instructions and a Test Verification Form. (The Test Verification Form must be completed by the proctor AFTER the exam and returned within 48 hours in order for exam results to be valid).
48 Hours before exam period opens
Candidates will receive an emailed invitation from IBBM Exam Administrator to the test taking platform EasyLMS. Please note: some institutions' security systems may block emails from this address. If you do not receive your access email, please reach out to ibbm@amsect.org.
Exam Protocols and Results
Examinees may take the online exam at any time during the testing window, with their proctor present. The exam consists of 100 questions, and examinees have three (3) hours to complete it. Preliminary results (exam day results) are provided immediately after completing the exam. The exam day results are final when the exam window closes, and the exams are certified by the Board. Within 30 days of the exam, passing candidates will receive a digital certificate and non-passing candidates will receive instructions to retake the exam. The National Office will mail any necessary certification documents within 90 days of the period close.
If the applicant does not pass the exam, a letter will be mailed showing the areas of deficiencies. To retake the exam, applicants must pay a retake fee, submit an updated proctor form, and notify ibbm@amsect.org of their intent to re-take the exam. If the applicant retakes the exam within nine (9) months, the fee is $100.00 USD. IBBM will reach out to those eligible for the discounted retake exam.
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Recertification Process
Required Every Two Years
HELP: If you receive an error message that you are not eligible to apply for this certification or your certification is missing from your AmSECT profile, please complete this form.
Application Requirements
In the PBMS Recertification Application, you will be required to provide:
- Personal Information: Update your AmSECT profile address to ensure delivery of your certificate. Replacement certificates cost $25.
- Employer Information.
- Letter from supervisor, program director, or ECMO coordinators.
- Documentation of ten (10) Blood Management Continuing Education Units.
- A completed CEU Activity Information Tracking Sheet.
- $150 non-refundable recertification fee: a late fee will be added to any submissions after February 29th.
Please reach out to ibbm@amsect.org if you have questions regarding the recertification process.
Review Process and Certificates
If there are any issues with the application, we will contact you at the email associated with your AmSECT profile. Applications are reviewed within approximately 30 days, at which time, approved applicants will receive a digital certificate. The National Office will mail any necessary certification documents within 90 days of the period close.
Note: Every 25th application will be audited by the IBBM board.
Every Patient Blood Management Specialist (PBMS) must complete the recertification process every two years. Recertification is intended to declare to the public that the PBMS continues to meet standards of current knowledge in the field through continuing education and clinical activity.
Late Recertification
A $50 late fee will be added to any applications submitted within 3 months of the application period and will increase to $100 thereafter. Failure to recertify within the year of expiration could result in revocation of the certification, which would require the candidate to re-sit for the exam.
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The successful examinee will exceed the cut-off criteria set by the IBBM based on item analysis and past candidate performance on specific exam items composing the candidate’s specific test form.
AmSECT University Courses
Most AmSECT University courses are eligible for CEU credit. AmSECT members have exclusive access to additional courses. Search “Blood Management” in the course catalog for additional resources.
More Resources
- AABB Standards for Perioperative Autologous Blood Collection and Administration, 8th edition
- SABM PBM Standards
Online Resources
Red Cell References
Flip Book
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The American Society of Extracorporeal Technology (AmSECT) and the International Board of Blood Management (IBBM) proudly offer the Patient Blood Management Specialist (PBMS) certification exam. This exam is essential for healthcare professionals who want to improve their skills in blood usage and patient care. It certifies knowledge of evidence-based methods that aim to reduce unnecessary transfusions and enhance patient safety. Receiving this certification shows a specialist's commitment to best practices in blood management, compliance with regulations, teamwork across disciplines, and ultimately promotes greater clinical efficiency and cost savings in healthcare.
— Isaac Chinnappan
What is the difference between a Perioperative Blood Management Technician (PBMT) and a Patient Blood Management Specialist (PBMS)?
A PBMT is an “Autotransfusionist” or Platelet Gel/Stem Cell device operator in the operative setting; primarily, they operate the cell washers for red blood cell recovery in the perioperative setting. The PBMS is the next and higher level up. A more focused program; however, unlike the PBMT the PBMS is not restricted to only autotransfusionists. Typical candidates are blood banking managers/ professionals, hospital blood utilization committee, which include doctors, nurses, perfusionists, Jehovah Witness coordinators, and industry representatives.
Do you have to be a PBMT to take the PBMS exam?
Anyone with confidence in the body of knowledge of blood management can take the exam. The PBMS test is more advanced and covers a broader scope of material. While the PBMT certification is not required to take this exam, certified PBMTs may notice familiar topics and concepts addressed in the PBMS test.
When can I take the PBMS exam?
The Patient Blood Management Specialist (PBMS) Exam is offered three times a year, typically in May, August, and November. The exam application period begins approximately two months prior to the exam date. The examination period is three days. The exam can be taken anytime during the exam period. Candidates have three (3) hours to complete the exam.
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