American Society of ExtraCorporeal Technology
330 N. Wabash Ave.
Suite 2000
Chicago, Illinois 60611
Conflict of Interest Policy
The American Society of ExtraCorporeal Technology representatives, whether employees, volunteers, executive officers or members of the Board of Directors, will not engage in any activity, practice or act which conflicts with or appears to conflict with the interests of the American Society of ExtraCorporeal Technology (AmSECT). AmSECT representatives shall not be involved in activities which adversely affect AmSECT reputation or relations with others, or which interfere with the fulfillment of its mission. Neither employees nor volunteers shall use their position or influence or information to which they have access to as a result of their association or any assets or resources of AmSECT for their own personal gain, for trading, or for the improper benefit of others.
This policy is not intended to inhibit, prevent, or discourage AmSECT representatives from continuing to actively participate in impartial and unbiased decision making and policy setting. This policy does not preclude employees, volunteers, executive officers, members of the Board of Directors, or committee members from actively participating in other organizations which may be of benefit to medical communities except as stated in the society bylaws.
This policy applies to on and off-the-job activities of all AmSECT employees and to volunteers when they are performing functions related to AmSECT, or when acting on behalf of AmSECT. Specifically, this will also include all members of the educational committee charged with the delineation of Continuing Medical Education activities. Declaration and signing of the conflict of interest policy should be performed on an annual basis.
It is not possible to list every circumstance that could violate this policy. The following is provided as a guide to the types of employee/volunteer activities that could create either actual violations or perceptions of violations.
- Conduct, which is either directly or indirectly disruptive, competitive or damaging to AmSECT.
- Directing or acting in a manner intended to influence decision making on AmSECT business to organizations or businesses in which they have a financial or personal interest.
- Directly or indirectly influencing the allocation of funds, or purchase of goods or services, based on a personal or family interest in or affiliation to specific agencies or businesses.
- Accepting travel, a loan, or cash in any amount, excessive entertainment, services, favored treatment, or substantial or unusual accommodation of any nature or a gift while acting as a representative of the AmSECT or working on behalf of AmSECT of more than nominal value ($100 or above) from any person or concern, which does or is seeking to do business with AmSECT.
(This prohibition is not intended to apply to gifts, entertainment and/or other benefits of nominal value that clearly are in keeping with good business practices and ethics and which do not obligate the recipient or the AmSECT.)
- Using or disclosing sensitive or confidential information in a manner that might be prejudicial to the best interests of AmSECT, or disclosing non-public information regarding persons or firms doing business with AmSECT.
- Using the AmSECT name, time, property, or information (sensitive or confidential) in making personal investments or financial transactions.
- Acting in a manner that might cause others to reasonably believe that the action is using “inside” information for their own personal profit or the profit of friends, relatives or others.
- Performing compensated services for or having a beneficial interest in, or being substantially obligated to (or a similar relationship for any family member or close relative), any of AmSECT’s suppliers of goods or services or any other organization doing business with AmSECT unless such fact has been properly disclosed to the Executive Committee of the Board of AmSECT, and such relationship has been specifically approved by the Board on the basis of a full disclosure of the facts.
I, certify that I have read and understand the Conflict of Interest Policy of the American Society of ExtraCorporeal Technology and agree to comply with it, as well as applicable laws that impact the organization.
Disclosure of Current or Potential Conflicts:
I affirm that, except as listed below, I have no financial interest or affiliation with any organization that may have interests that conflict with, or may appear to conflict with, the best interests of the American Society of ExtraCorporeal Technology (please insert NONE if applicable):
Should such conflicts or apparent conflicts of interest arise in connection with my responsibilities at the American Society of ExtraCorporeal Technology, I agree to:
- Discuss the conflict with the President of the Society, and
- Until management mitigates or otherwise resolves the conflict, refrain from participating in any discussions, deliberations, decisions or voting related to the conflict of interest.
Future Conflicts:
I also agree, during the term of my employment or volunteer status with the American Society of ExtraCorporeal Technology, to report promptly to the Executive Committee of the Board any future situation that involves, or might appear to involve, me in any conflict between my outside interests and the best interests of the American Society of ExtraCorporeal Technology.
Printed Name
By clicking the Submit button you agree that the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge
(DOF 04/20/2007)