For more information on committees or to submit a question for a committee, please email AmSECT
Achievement Recognition
The Achievement Recognition Committee promotes the enhancement and prestige of awards and scholarships and administers the judging and selection of the recipients. With the approval of the Board of Directors, it establishes and maintains guidelines for each award and scholarship.
The Bylaws Committee studies the bylaws and serves as the primary consultants regarding the application to Society business, proposing amendments to them as necessary for enhancing their administration and presenting such proposals to the Board of Directors or the membership. This Committee also reviews bylaws amendment proposals from outside the Bylaws Committee and provides authors/Board of Directors with opinions on the proposal.
The Ethics Committee is to constantly ensure that society members and its officers function within the framework of the Code of Ethics and the guidelines of the society Bylaws and the Articles of Incorporation. It also evaluates any situations or concerns from society members for their ethical soundness.
Government Relations
The Government Relations Committee (GRC) oversees a proactive program that monitors state and federal legislation and lobbies in support of regulations impacting the practice of the profession. As surgical practices and technologies change in the healthcare marketplace, knowledge of laws, and the ability to influence them, are critical in representing perfusionists at every level of health care governance. The Government Relations Committee assists perfusionists at the state levels of government to protect perfusionists, patients, and the standards of perfusion procedures both inside and outside of the operating room.
The History Committee collects, preserves, and disseminates historical information related to perfusion and extracorporeal circulation to foster education, scholarship, and research.
The International Consortium for Evidence-Based Perfusion (ICEBP) is a voluntary, multi-stakeholder collaboration that seeks to advance the delivery of care and outcomes for our patients.
The International Board of Blood Management (IBBM) strives to promote education and sound scientific principles to advance the safe and competent practice of perioperative patient blood management and blood circulation. Competence in these specializations is recognized through examination and certification. The IBBM provides the clinical certification exams for individuals dedicated to the practice of patient blood management and blood circulation, through an established formal process. The IBBM also establishes continuing education and clinical requirements to maintain certification.
International Conference Planning
The International Conference Planning Committee steers the strategic direction for AmSECT’s International Conference. This Committee helps decide where the Conference takes place each year and oversees the Conference budget and overall content.
The Membership Committee disseminates information to the perfusion community on the value of being a member of AmSECT to increase membership.
The Nominating Committee reviews Board of Directors applications to determine eligibility. This Committee also assists the Ethics Committee in supervising and monitoring the elections. The Nominating Committee members shall assist AmSECT's President and Board of Directors with any additional responsibilities as required by AmSECT.
Pediatric Fellow Review
The Pediatric Fellow Review Committee appraises information and recommendations from all sources relating to Fellow applications and decides to accept or deny Fellow applicants.
Pediatric and Congenital Perfusion
The Pediatric and Congenital Perfusion Committee defines a body of knowledge consistent with evidence-based best practices, facilitates opportunities for collaboration among providers, and improves the quality of care related to extracorporeal technology while contributing to the advancement of the sub-specialty.
Perfusion Without Borders
The Perfusion Without Borders Committee promotes cardiac surgery missions as an extra-vocational opportunity for professional cardiovascular perfusionists and perfusion students. It seeks to create opportunities to exchange equipment, information, and techniques and facilitate volunteer opportunities for perfusionists to give back to the global community.
The mission of the Quality Committee is to develop and disseminate resources for the perfusion community including educational material and standardized quality indicators aimed to improve patient care and outcomes.
The Safety Committee provides AmSECT members with the tools, resources, and most up-to-date information to care for patients, families, the community, and fellow perfusionists.
Student Involvement Committee
The Student Involvement Committee engages student members in order to support and prepare them for a career in perfusion and extracorporeal technology.
Women in Perfusion Committee
The Women in Perfusion Committee unites women in the field through opportunities and shared experiences.