SpecialtyCare Mission Fund
Application window open.
This is a year round application.
AmSECT and the AmSECT Foundation partnered with SpecialtyCare to support a perfusionists wishing to travel abroad for medical missions. AmSECT administers the $25,000 donation from SpecialtyCare; the recipient uses that towards the remuneration for airfare and lodging. Unlike other mission funds and scholarships often awarded to students, the SpecialtyCare Medical Mission Fund is for practicing perfusionists who desire the opportunity to share their skills abroad with those who need them.
AmSECT Fellow of Pediatric Perfusion
Application window closed.
Next application window: September - November, 2025.
The AmSECT Fellow of Pediatric Perfusion addresses the knowledge base and clinical skills necessary for today's pediatric and congenital cardiovascular perfusionist. This program intends to develop engaged professionals who add value to the healthcare delivery team through clinical ability, knowledge, leadership, and investigative means.
Mary Hartley Student Scholarship
Application window closed.
Next application window: June - September, 2025.
The AmSECT Mary Hartley Scholarship Fund is a scholarship that provides two second-year students enrolled in a perfusion training program with a $5,000 scholarship each year, made possible by a generous donation from Mary Hartley.
Perfusion Without Borders Student Scholarship
Application window closed.
Next application window: June - September, 2025.
In conjunction with the AmSECT Foundation, Perfusion Without Borders offers one annual scholarship for mission work (up to $3,000) to a perfusion student. The scholarship covers travel and hotel expenses for a mission of their choice.
National Awards
Application window closed.
Next application window: November - December, 2025.
The John H. Gibbon Jr. Award
The John H. Gibbon Jr. Award honors an individual who has made significant contribution(s) to the field of extracorporeal circulation.
AmSECT Award of Excellence
The Award of Excellence is presented to a perfusionist who has demonstrated excellent work which exemplifies creativity and intellectual originality in extracorporeal technology. This award is presented for excellence in any area such as education, continuing education, research, publication or leadership.
AmSECT Perfusionist of the Year
The AmSECT Perfusionist of the Year Award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated outstanding commitment to the field of extracorporeal technology during the current year. This award is presented based on a variety of reasons, including excellence in the field of perfusion through noteworthy extracurricular or volunteering activities.
AmSECT Pillar Award
Application window for new applicants closed.
Next application window for membership: September - December, 2025.
The AmSECT Pillar Award is a designation for individual perfusion departments which demonstrate excellence as displayed in a number of key areas including organized orientation and training, QA/QI process, continuing education and performance evaluation, development of institutional protocols and adherence to AmSECT Standards and Guidelines, employee education and commitment to the field of perfusion.
AmSECT Conference Awards
The AmSECT Conference Awards are comprised of various awards that are presented annually at the International Conference. These awards recognize the work of individuals in respect to oral presentations, scientific posters, research, and JECT publications.