The PERForm Registry
The PERFusion measures and outcomes (PERForm) Registry is a multi-institutional quality assurance and improvement registry which utilizes database management and analytics to provide a platform for assessing the quality and safety of cardiopulmonary bypass through the distribution of benchmark reporting to perfusionists and cardiothoracic surgery team members around the world. Established in 2010 to advance cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) practices and outcomes, the registry has been designed to supplement and link to a center’s cardiac surgical databases with a unique focus on cardiopulmonary bypass equipment and practices in the setting of cardiac surgery. The registry has been developed at the University of Michigan, and is structurally embedded in the Michigan Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Quality Collaborative (MSTCVS-QC), a professional society based quality collaborative supported by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) and the Blue Care Network. PERForm currently has forty-four institutional participants including thirty-two of the thirty-three in Michigan and twelve others across the United States, and contains more than 44,000 cardiac surgical procedures.
Research has established correlations between variations in technique and technology, and unwanted outcomes. Reducing variation through the measurement and benchmarking of processes against standards and guidelines for practice can advance the conduct of cardiopulmonary bypass.
The 200 variables in the PERForm registry take on average less than 10 minutes to complete. In return for participation, PERFORM registry contributors receive quarterly quality reports for benchmarking perfusion practice against other registry participants. 24-7 access is provided for querying institutional data and registrants are invited to participate in weekly and quarterly meetings. Discrete data connecting your practice to outcomes can be used to support quality assurance measures and performance improvement.
"The PERForm registry has seen tremendous growth. Our goal is to assist cardiac surgical teams around the world with opportunities for improving their center’s quality of care that could otherwise not have been possible."
~ Donald S. Likosky, PhD, Associate Professor of Cardiac Surgery at the University of Michigan, and PERForm Registry Director
“We are in an era of unprecedented attention concerning quality assessment and improvement. As a profession, it is clear we need an understanding of how our management of patients on cardiopulmonary bypass contributes to the overall quality of care for patients undergoing cardiac surgery. The PERForm registry provide(s) an unprecedented set of opportunities to assess and improve every center’s quality and enhance patient safety.
~ Kenny Shann, CCP, Director of Perfusion Services at Massachusetts General Hospital

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Steps to Join the PERForm Registry
Perfusion / MSTCVS-QC Publications