Thank you for serving as a committee member on an AmSECT Committee! We're thrilled to have you join us. Please see below for relevant materials to help onboard you to your new role as a committee member.
Committee Orientation Video
Please watch the video below for an overview of AmSECT Governance, Board & Committee Roles and Responsibilities, Key Governing Documents and Tools, and the Purpose and Format of the Committee Charter.
2020-2021 Committee Orientation Slides:
Click here to download a copy of the 2020-2021 Committee Orientation Slides, complete with links to relevant resource documents and current Board Member information.
Relevant Documents:
We encourage all committee members to familiarize themselves with the following AmSECT documents:
AmSECT Bylaws
AmSECT 2020-2021 Strategic Plan
AmSECT Policies and Procedures
AmSECT Conflict of Interest Policy
Committee Roles & Responsibilities:
This document linked below provides a summary of the roles, responsibilities, and expectations for Committee Chairs, Committee Members, Board Liaisons, and Staff Liaisons.
Committee Roles & Responsibilities
Committee Charters:
You should receive a copy of your committee's current charter from your Staff Liaison or Committee Chair. If you need a copy of your committee's charter, please email to request this document. Please include the name of the committee you serve on in your request.