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Mission Statement
The mission of the Government Relations Committee is to inform, support, and prepare the membership to effectively engage medical practice public policy issues affecting the perfusion profession and the delivery of high-quality patient care.
Committee Goals
To organize perfusionists at the grassroots level to enhance their political and legislative effectiveness on socioeconomic and public policy issues impacting the profession.
To stimulate professional interest by recognizing the achievements of AmSECT volunteers in advancing the interests of the profession in the field of government relations with the membership and with the public.
To maintain a federal and state liaison network supporting government relations programs that keep perfusionists and members of the Society informed.
To educate the membership and perfusionists about how to operate effectively in the state and federal political arenas by building professional relationships with legislators and staff.
To supply financial assistance to the extent appropriate in support of the development of independent perfusion organizations, and to target GRC financial and programmatic resources in states having state societies with the potential to have a substantive impact on the national professional status of professional licensing.
Maryland Licensure Bill Signing

Front row – left to right: Anthony Brown – Lieutenant Governor, Mike Miller – President of The Senate, Martin O’Malley – Governor and Michael Busch – Speaker House of Delegates
Back row: Dedicated and hard-working members of the Maryland Perfusion Society
For more information on this committee or to submit a question for the committee, please email AmSECT at amsect@amsect.org