Mission Statement
AmSECT Today will disseminate information to perfusionists regarding various themes and emerging technologies on a bi-monthly basis and will be the primary media between the President of the organization and its members.
AmSECT Today is always welcoming new contributing authors at any level of commitment. If you are interested in volunteering your time writing an article about a topic of your expertise and helping to share your knowledge with our members, we certainly encourage you to do so. We also welcome anyone who is interested in becoming a permanent team member of AmSECT Today and perhaps has an idea of a new column that we can add to our existing list of columns. The latter commitment doesn't mean that you have to write every single article in this particular column but only means that you will be responsible for it. The most successful columns are those where the lead team member solicits experts within our community for their contribution. I invite anyone interested in joining our team to contact me at the Editor email below. Any amount of time that you can volunteer in adding to our quality of publication will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your interest in AmSECT Today. What are you waiting for?
Thomas Rusk, CCP