Membership Dues
AmSECT has an annual dues cycle. Membership dues are non-refundable and paid to the national office annually. A member in arrears of the payment of dues shall have no vote or other privilege of membership until the account is settled.
By joining or renewing today, your membership will be valid through December 31, 2025. Contact AmSECT National Headquarters for questions regarding membership.
Membership Types
Active Membership - $225
An Active Member is any perfusionist active in the practice of extracorporeal circulation technology. An active member in good standing shall be entitled to vote on issues submitted to them for a vote by the Board of Directors and/or the National Office at each membership meeting and eligible for election to office. Active members shall pay dues as prescribed by the Board of Directors and approved by the membership.
Associate Membership - $125
An Associate Member is involved in the clinical practice of extracorporeal technology but is not a perfusionist. This member can also be interested in the society or extracorporeal technology but does not meet the stated criteria for any other membership category. Associate members shall pay national dues as prescribed by the Board of Directors. Associate members shall have a voice but no vote and shall not be eligible for election to office.
International Membership - $125 (income-based reduced rates available for select countries)
An International Member resides outside of the United States and is either actively engaged or interested in the practice of extracorporeal circulation technology. International members shall pay dues as prescribed by the Board of Directors. International members shall have a voice but no vote and shall not be eligible for election to office.
Perioperative Blood Management Clinician - $75
A Perioperative Blood Management Clinician Member is actively engaged or interested in the practice of perioperative blood salvaging and processing. Perioperative Blood Management Clinician members shall pay national dues as prescribed by the Board of Directors. Perioperative Blood Management Clinician members shall have a voice but no vote and shall not be eligible for election to office. An actively engaged individual in other perfusion activities shall not be qualified for this membership category.
Transitional Membership - $135
A Transitional Member applies for and is qualified to enter the Active category within one (1) year after graduation from an approved accredited training program. They shall be considered a Transitional Member and pay dues equal to 60% of the standard active membership fee per year for the first two years, after which the dues are assessed at the standard active membership rate.
Student Membership - Free

A Student Member shall be a member enrolled in an accredited perfusion education program, approved by the Board of Directors. Student Members shall have a voice but no vote and shall not be eligible for election to office. Student membership fee is sponsored by SpecialtyCare.
Retired Membership
A Retired Member is one who has retired from the profession and who has held active membership for twenty (20) years or has retired because of disability. One may apply for reclassification to retired membership by submitting the form below and providing the requested information. Your submission will be reviewed and if accepted you will receive membership and registration to the International Conference.
Group Membership
Learn more about group invoicing and group membership discounts for groups of new members.
Returning Members
If you already have an account with AmSECT and would like to add another membership, renew, or rejoin for 2025, click on the button below.